Paragraph on Unemployment – 200 Words for Classes 6,7,8 Students


Paragraph on Unemployment 200 Words for Classes 6,7,8 Students


A person who does not have work to earn his livelihood is called an unemployed person. Unemployment is a universal problem. Everybody faces it. Even developed country like Britain and America faces it. Thousands of people holding master's degrees in their hands are out of jobs. There is a number of doctor engineers and scientist who have a degree in their hand but they are unemployed. The causes of large-scale unemployment are many. First, our education system is defective. It does not fulfill our social and economic needs. Second, our country is not much advanced in industries. We have a few miles and factories. We cannot absorb all jobless people in these factories. Thirdly, the industry of the country is controlled by some privileged people. They do not let others share their experience and capital. If they make a little sacrifice they can raise a network of industries. Fourth, our population increases rapidly. It is very difficult to provide such a large number of people. Moreover, unemployed people in any society suffer from an inferiority complex. They suffer from the agony that they are worthless and good for nothing.


Paragraph on Unemployment – 200 Words for Classes 6,7,8 Students


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