Some Common Jobs and Profession

Some Common Jobs And Profession

Occupation is your job or the way you spend your time or one country maintaining a profession for their peoples
Here the list of some low and high paid profession usually adopted our society peoples
Jobs And Profession

  • 1. Accountant(s)

A person who look after the finance in an organization.

  • 2. Builder (s)

A person who construct some thing by putting part or materials togather. Also known as construction Worker.

  • 3. Baker (s)

A  who bakes bread and cakes. They usually worke in bakery

  • 4. Bartender (s)

A person who tends a bar and pubs and serves drinks. Also known as Barman or Barmaid.

  • 5. Barber (s)

A person who shaves man men’s beards and cuts men’s hairs

  • 6. Butcher (s)

A person who is cutting up and selling meat in shop.

  • 7. Carpenter

A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and  structures

  • 8.Chefs)

A person who cooks and prepared food. Basically chief cook in a hotel or restaurant. 

  • 9. Cleaner(s)

A person employeed to clean interior of buildings

  • 10. Dentist(s) 
 The person who is quilified to treat diseases and other condition that effect the teeth and germs.
11. Electrition
A petson who install and maintains electrical equipment.
12. Engineer (s)
A person who designs build, or maintains engines, machines or structure of every equipments.
13. Fireman (s)
A person employeed to extinguished or pervents fire. Also known as firefighter.
14. Fligh Attendant
An airline employees who serve meals, attends to passengers comforts etc, during flight.
15. Hairdresser (s)
A person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation.
16. Graphic designer
A person who design different types of embriodry in clothes
17. Journalist (s)
 A person who writes for newspaper, magzines or news websites or prepare news to broadcast.
18. Judge (s)
A public officers who appointed to decides case in law court
19. Lawyer (s)
A person whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services
20. Musicians
A person sho makes music and a profession, especially as performers of music.
21. Nurse (s)
A person (especially females) trained to care for the sick or infirm. They usually work in hospitals.
22. Painter (s)
A person whose jobs is painting.
23. Photographer (s)
A person who takes photographs as an occupation.
24. Pilot (s)
A perdon who operates the flying control of an in aircraft
25. Plamber (s)
A person who fits and repaires the pipes and other apparatus of water supply, senitation or heating system.
26. Policeman (s)
A perdon who is a member of police force. Policewomen is used for females.
27. Receptionist (s)
A person who greeds and deals with the clients and visitors.  Basically they work in hotels and big management companies. 

28. Scientists
Avperson who is stydying or has a expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical science.
29. Secretary (secretaries)
A person who employeed by an individual or in the office to assist with correspondence and carry out administrative task.
30. Tailer (s)
A person who occupation is msking fitted clothes such as suits trousers and jakets to fits.
31. Technicians
A person employeed to look after technical equipment or do practical work in laboratory.
32. Waiter (s)
A person whose jobs is to serve customers of theire tables in resturant.
33. Welder (s)
A person who jobs is weld materials togather.
34. Vets

A person with medical degree to take care of the health ot the animals. They usually work in vetinary surgery or vets
Thanks for reading this Article


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