Letter To Editor of Newspaper about Poor Sanitary Condition in City.

Letter To Editor of Newspaper about Poor Sanitary Condition in City.

The Editor,

Dawn News

City A.B.C

Subject:  Poor Sanitary Condition


      Kindly allow me to express to the columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of relevant authorities towards the bad and poor condition of cleanliness and drain system of our town.

     The streets are not swept regularly. The municipal cleaning staff has been disappeared for the last two months. The piles of garbage can be seen everywhere in our society. Bad smell is arising from these refuses.

     This refuse has blocked the drain system very badly. The drain water is overflowing from gutters. This water has turned into big pounds on the roads. Everybody facing a lot of difficulties by crossing roads.

This bad system is generating many fatal diseases. Flies are found immensely and it is helping to the growth of mosquitoes.  Malaria has just broken out and many persons have become victims of malaria fever. This type of atmosphere may give birth to many dangerous diseases like dengue and cholera. If this  condition will  remain to continue for few weeks, we can lose many precious bodies due to the careless behavior of relevant authorities

      I, hereby, request that this matter should be taken in hand seriously by the relevant municipal authority. Some immediate steps must be taken to stop this serious issue so that people can live comfortably. I am looking forward to your prompt and positive response regarding this matter.

              Yours sincerely,


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