How to Apologize Someone. The Best Apology


DON'T apologize for someone 

I'm sorry you're mad," is not an apology.
It's condescending.

DO apologize for your own actions and attitude. 

"I'm sorry I was rude," is an apology that tahes
ownership. Be specific about what you did wrong.
I'm sorry for whatever made you mad"
is NOT going to work

DON'T add an excuse to your apology. 

I'm sorry I was rude, but I was really irritated," means
you're not really sorry. You fel justified for the way
you acted and you exped to be excused. One way to
remember this is that when you say "I'm sorry, but ..."
you're really just a sorry butt.

ash for forgiveness when you apologize.

I'm sorry," on it's own, is just a statement. It requires
no response. "Will you forgive me?" is a humble
request that can rebuild a relationship. When you ask
your spouse to forgive you, wait. Listen. Be prepared
..for them to say in response, "I need a minute, I'm not
there right now." When you are in the wrong, you are
never owed forgiveness.
 Be grateful when you receive it 

DON'T expect a reciprocal apology."~

.Let's say you were in a fight You were both rude and
hostile to each other and now you w decided to be the
' brave one and apologize first. Do not apologize
'expecting your spouse to apologize equally. When you
recognize you have done something wrong. just own  
 your part of it. The end.
attempt to make a repair?
Once you get through the brutal, "I'm sorry. Will you
forgive me?" it's wise to make the next step and ask,
"Is there anything I can do to make this right?" 


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